Home Backup a raspberry pi

Backup a raspberry pi

I wanted to backup my current raspberry pi sd card so I can install something else on it. And if it doesn’t work, I can come back to that backup. The thing is that if I back it up, the image will be the size of the sdcard so I need to shring it. Here is how I proceeded (it was very simple).

To create my image file, I used Win32 Disk Imager to do just that.

Win32 Disk Imager Main Window

  1. Put the path where to save the image
  2. Select the sdcard device
  3. Click on read and wait until it finish.

After that I used PiShrink on my Ubuntu WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to shrink it to the smallest size possible. Just type that in a linux console :

pishrink -Zap {filename}

My sdcard was shrinked from 64 GiB (full size) to 1 GiB

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