Fanged Hex's Docs

Stable Diffusion: Part 2

Welcome to a second part for Stable Diffusion where I give some advices I found or learnt to make better generated images. Default prompt For the prompt, I always start with what I give below, it...

Having fun with Stable Diffusion

I don’t post that often on my website because I didn’t have anything to write. But recently, I picked up Stable Diffusion to generate some images for the fun. I started with okay stuff and learn a ...

Moving to Klipper

Recently, I did a maintenance of my 3d printer (Ender 3 Pro) and I wanted for a long time to try Klipper as I have a Raspberry Pi with OctoPrint on it. I wanted also to remove the USB cable I use t...

Backup a raspberry pi

I wanted to backup my current raspberry pi sd card so I can install something else on it. And if it doesn’t work, I can come back to that backup. The thing is that if I back it up, the image will b...

LVM Cookbook

Physical Volume (PV) Management # Create a PV pvcreate {partition} {partition} /dev/sda1 for example # View current PVs pvdisplay Volume Group (VG) Management # Create a VG vgcreate {v...

Linux Networking Configuration

Configure a static IP We need to modify the network configuration file /etc/network/interfaces to add this : auto ens18 iface ens18 inet static address netmask gat...

Proxmox Setup

Proxmox Setup I use ESXi 6.5 on my Dell R620 server but I cannot upgrade it or install vCenter for some reason. Also on ESXi 6.5, I have hard time passing through components. On Proxmox, it is eas...